Spring 2025 Semester bill is due January 8, 2025. Payment is due at the time of registration after January 8, 2025.
Summer 2025 Semester bill is due April 22,2025. Payment is due at the time of registration after April 22, 2025.
A tuition payment plan is available to spread out payments.
For the registration process to be finalized, one of the following payment options must be completed:
There is no payment plan available through Transact Payments for the Summer Session. If a student needs a payment plan they should email the bursar@raritanval.edu or go the Finance Office on the 1st floor of the College Center.

Please note: once the payment due date has passed payment is due at the time of registration.
• Lions Den (active RVCC student ID# and password required)
• Student Account Payment (credit card payment for students with inactive or no Lions Den account)
• Parents Pay Tuition Now (students must have created a Parent Account to allow parent access) How to create a Parent Account
• Parents Tuition Payment Plan (students must have created a Parent Account to allow parent access)

Refunds for credit courses are calculated based upon the start of the session.